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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  March 6, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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lauren: i have did guess even though i once knew the answer and my answer is 60. of the one 60 from lauren. what is your guess? ashley: the answer is one i will feel silly but i will go with number 2, thirty four. stuart: tepper. tepper:34 as well. stuart: i'm going one. the answer, review please. couldn't be more wrong. jupiter's moons were discovered by galileo in 1610. each moon is named out of a character from the greek or roman mythology that have ties to the roman god jupiter or his greek counterpart zeus. we are clear on this? i have 10 seconds left. good guess. see you tomorrow. coast to coast starts now. adam: who is moving the markets?
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nikki haley took herself out of the presidential race, jerome powell didn't exactly push off an imminent cut in interest rates. you might take powell and the points on this. charlie gasparino driving investors now. this is a slam dunk. the markets, jerome powell have more influence and for the time being presidential candidates, but let's sort out what powell is saying. how do you see it? charles: it has been telegraphed. i wrote a column, he's been telegraphing rate coverage and it won't be march and it will be june. he's telegraphing it will be 24 basis points. that's what the markets are saying. confirmed his telegraph that we reported on the show. neil: things are really far
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pushed off. charles: i told people, they told me june, 25 basis points, that's the likely scenario unless something wild happens with inflation if it starts popping up. the last cpi print was three. adam: as long as you are trending. charles: he thinks he will get it by june one thing about powell, whatever he telegraphs he does. you notice that you don't have to think too hard with him. neil: i was taking a look, put this great chart to gather,
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what has been happening. most times from when he was yapping this year and last last year or after and fomc meeting or talks on congress, invariably markets, what is it, some called it a jerome powell put. does he try, he looks at the markets, getting ahead of themselves on this, how do you see it? charles: i don't think he looks at the markets. mostly data dependent, the fed chair, most of it is the data and -- neil: if he sees it jumping on the prospects, interest rates coming down, really fast. he went out of his way to say that and -- charles: what he tries to do is tell the markets how to react to the markets.
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charles: it is not clear. but now you think obviously they like the setting and we will see what he says on the set. charles: stocks are raging right now, one reason they are raging is pricing in the fed rate cut and have been for a why all. america says it won't happen. charles: larry think is the best fed water i know, rate cuts, first one in june, 25 basis points, after the election that he will tell you what is data dependent. if cpi, they won't cut rates. that, larry think gets a lot,
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there is no better fed water and this is why. black rock specializes in the bond market. he knows how these guys react. not just him but he, 25 in june. adam: what does he say about how presidential race will factor in this. nikki haley in the race but is he now lining up a trump presidency? charles: if you talk with the money guys on wall street none of them like the choices. they think one guy who is very cognizant, and these are crass
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type people and i am crass and the other guy has a disposition that volatile in different ways. if you ask them dollars to donuts who is going to win, they will tell you this is set up for the best guy trump could beat is biden, the easiest guy for him to beat is biden, the easiest, it's a weird race in that they need each other to run for this to work. if gretchen witmer and josh schapiro, governor from sylvania appeared on the ticket, that is different. neil: when donald trump was talking last week or the week before markets are doing well because they are seeing him coming back as president. charles: that is not happening. neil: not that it's not happening. it's too early for that.
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closer to the fall. >> this is a close race, there won't be debates. he said i'm not going to debate you. neil: first time since 1970. charles: people say that. adam: both that year and four years prior, he didn't want debates, membered how he got burned by jfk and it worked out fine. charles: richard nixon is more intellectually, before president biden had age issues. not something the american public wants and it is a race in a weird way no one want -- charles: we are bit players. charles: we sound very shakespearean. all the world is a stage. lauren: 1 is that knocking around? charlie gasparino. that is right, you are right.
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brian yannis joins us. he gets to the bottom of the story, he's in trump land but i noticed, when the former president was commenting via truth social on bowing out of the race, saying great things about her but what and how is he reacting? >> reporter: nikki haley dropped out of the race earlier this morning, wanted to see if the former president would react. so far doesn't look like that's going to happen. nikki haley deciding to drop out of the race after losing 14 of 15 states on supertuesday, she congratulated the former president. she did not endorsed trump and she challenged him to not be as divisive in a general election against president biden.
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>> i congratulate him and wish him well. at best politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. our conservative cause badly needs more people. this is now his time for choosing. >> reporter: trump responded nikki haley got trounced last night and record-setting fashion. i would further like to invite all the haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation. biden is the enemy. he is destroying our country. make america great again. last night trump called on republicans to unite. this morning republican minority leader mitch mcconnell endorsed trump writing quote it is abundantly clear that donald trump has earned the support of republican voters to be our nominee for president of the united states. this should come as no surprise
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that as nominee he will have my support. the new york times reports donald trump met with billionaire elon musk and other wealthy republican donors in palm beach to try to raise more money heading into the general election. biden and democrats have twice as much cash on hand than trump on the republicans do. even though musk posts in his comments have been anti-biden, musk said just be superclear, i'm not donating money to either candidate for us president. trump and president biden will be holding rallies on saturday. they will be in georgia. trump will be in rome, biden in atlanta as fox news power rankings show trump is ahead of biden on a rematch, 253 delegates versus biden's 241. poll numbers show, power rankings show 72% of voters are dissatisfied with the direction
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of the country. adam: they don't like the choice. looks like a rainy west palm beach. former georgia republican congressman ranking member, people getting the idea the same race we had four years ago. for example in north carolina among republicans, 32% would spurn donald trump if he were ever convicted of a crime. we see stats like that from other states that a conviction could change things. don't know the history of donald trump, with 91 indictments, for everyone that piled on as poll numbers go up, maybe that is the republican crowd reaction but what do you think of that that that could be a game changer? a conviction? >> we are are, the biggest thing, we are still so early.
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we just started three weeks ago the longest general election we ever had in this country and the first time in 100 years in which we have two incumbents for the office. i don't see that this is a -- this is going to be an interesting race with two incumbents slugging it out in six months. a lot of those 30%, the question is if these are the two on the ballot are you going to stay home or are you going to vote for president biden? of these are republicans, that would be historic if you see that. it's too much to read into that. neil: we see in races, you know what, i am not psyched about either of these guys. i will pass on voting that they were won't vote for president. >> you can but president biden has as big a problem if he doesn't go to his left. people are paying, taking time
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out of their day to vote uncommitted. think about that. you are so committed to sending a message to president biden that you are willing to go out in, 20% from one hundred thousand people to vote uncommitted to say we want you to move back from the left. we put you there and want you to get from the message, a valid question for donald trump and president biden. donald trump is going to have a better advantage with major issues playing on the independent and moderate democrats mind, immigration, economic stuff we've been talking about. adam: will watch it closely, good seeing you again. doug collins, we have a lot going on. get the read from another prominent publican senator. mitch mcconnell is throwing his support behind donald trump as the likely republican nominee. he is the latest and won't be the last after this.
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12:15 pm
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into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. gold. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. adam: to go to the -- right now. jerome powell is under the gun in the house.
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grady trimble following on capitol hill. >> first, expect rate cuts, though jay powell cryptic, not saying when. the rest of the voting members are walking a precarious tight rope, where to set rates but it's an election year. at this hearing powell is telling lawmakers on the house financial services committee that data is looking good and the dangers of cutting rates too quickly, would like to see more. with the high points he's making note of that housing services inflation a.k.a. rent is coming down, goods prices are too and he says he feels good about achieving a soft landing.
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>> no reason to think the us economy is in short-term risk of falling into recession. having said that, there's always a problem, a possibility, meaningful possibility that economy will fall into recession. i don't think that possibilities elevated at the current time. >> reporter: patrick mchenry asked powell how much rate cutting we will see this year. powell's answer is noncommittal as always, depends on the path of the economy. wall street not expecting cuts in march. everyone in addition to the march meeting, four more opportunity before the election. powell facing pressure from both sides of the aisle but the fed does not want interest rate decisions to come across as politically motivated. we will see what happens.
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neil: they can move between meetings. there are chances. as i mentioned the senate gets its crack tomorrow. a good deal, the senate are kind enough to join us. great to see you again. what do you make of what jerome powell is saying. doesn't see any surprises. the possibility that it remains if rates could come down as soon as june, i don't want to mischaracterize it but that's the gist of it. >> it's good they are taking a wait and see attitude, those who consume going to the grocery stores, pay rent, seeing very high prices, 20%, 19, 20, 21% for food, 30% for gasoline. things we buy every day are expensive. people in my state and
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elsewhere are paying more than $1000 a month more than we did when donald trump left office. people at the fed are seeing something different than consumers are seeing in everyday lives. neil: let me switch to mitch mcconnell who is endorsing donald trump, they have an acrimonious relationship, bygones be bygones, the senator saying i support him, not effusively but following other prominent members of the senate and elsewhere, seems the party is in need of rallying around the former president. are you? >> it is important nikki haley suspended her campaign that we circle the wagons, support donald trump aggressively because to me the biden presidency has been the worst
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presidency of my lifetime in terms of the effect on people in their everyday lives. now is not the time to nitpick each other. it's time to support each other, coalesce, get together and support donald trump. neil: how do you advise the former president how he purports himself on the campaign trail, it hasn't hurt him, his explosive comments, ripping nikki haley or anything like that and a host of others coming in the republican party like that. you fear if he's not careful a boomerang is on him in a general election. you heard senator biden wants to get him rattled, go after him, get him angry, wants the world to see how donald trump gets angry. >> i have heard that and i do think those of us who know him know he has a great sense of humor.
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some of his humor is hurtful to people. if i could sit down with him i would say this isn't funny. to some people. it hurts us when you don't recognize where your humor ends and your biting humor begins. i would ask him to reign it in. other people have tried that and failed but i think he just seems a little softer in his tone than he used to and i think he knows that now is the time to build the bigger tent. we are seeing such different groups coalesce with him. he's making inroads with hispanics, blacks who realize biden policies are bad for them. the policies under trump would
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be better for them so need to get past his biting humor and see what is behind that in terms of how we can really move america forward. neil: i look at the foreign press abroad and what am i saying? what they say, the endless version of it, worried about donald trump, if he's committed to nato. comments he has made, go ahead and invade a nato member that's not paying their 2%, you know the drill and think not only is he going to test nato or turn his back on nato but drop our back on president zelenskyy in ukraine and cozy up to vladimir putin. what do you think? >> reporter: look what he did as president. he didn't abandon nato. he built up the us military and he knows how to talk to bulls.
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we are better off in terms of foreign policy when he can go and call kim jong-un little rocket man and do things that put our enemies off balance. what is this guy capable of, when he went into syria and let our military work its magic with out one hand tied behind their back. and look how much peace is around the world when he was president, that's who is going to be president again, not this rhetoric, but the man you saw. neil: the way you see it, and
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-- >> lithuania stepped up, they are paying their fair share. they are sitting on the baltics. here. neil: always enjoy and learn something from you. thank you very much. in the meantime, your attention to corner of wall and broad, technology stocks, interest rates coming down, 10 year note fetching 4.09%. conducive to the notion, the magnificent seven back to looking magnificent. after this. ♪ ♪ ses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity.
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parodontax, the gum experts.
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adam: markets are up, technology stocks doing well.
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not so much alphabet for a while. apple up a tiny bit but other big issues here, 230 billion market value. a big comeback for the magnificent seven. he is very young but what do you make of technology. they made a big deal, the nasdaq had a significant selloff. it qualifies as that but what do you do? charles: here we go, making accommodative statements. neil: it accommodated to rates coming down. charles: just not as soon as everybody expected. thinking the fed wouldn't raise rates, the market was expecting an 80% chance so it is pushed out to june or july which makes
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sense. you are seeing the economy being resilient. neil: 53% last week or the week before, the notion they are getting too rich but they are making a lot of money. all of a sudden, let's not melt up to that. charles: knee-jerk reactions, the era. neil: they had earnings. real earnings. it didn't come back. from a boom to a bust happening now. that's the next hype.
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charles: the commodity, the main commodity of the digital economy was semiconductors and we see that play out right now with the best semi conductor tech to china. semiconductors are the economy growth engine for the next decade or more. it makes sense. you see that ai affect spread out into holdings across the chip spectrum. you see it pan out into biotech and life sciences, companies using ai. neil: a lot of activity in biotech, focusing on one stock, what do you make of that? this has been a phenomenon. charles: bitcoin is rallying, speculating. biotech with respect to the market, it is speculative and
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you see that speculation return. the biotech index to smaller companies. neil: you like the magnificent seven a lot. i don't think, you are sort of expanding the world of choice. >> if you look at biotech and there's a huge disconnect with magnificent seven, 64, above 100. a great run, 80% higher. with individual biotech names, understand the science behind immunotherapy and how to differentiate. neil: the boom turning bust, now suddenly it wasn't. >> it's a good thing. i would, segmentation or fragmentation. don't have to own the whole market. own areas that are doing well.
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you have to have to go with mutual funds and trust someone else. now you can say biotech is undervalued. it is very affordable. if you like some you brought it out and get individual names. neil: you don't see froth. >> nvidias of the world we could argue about valuation and the growth it is delivering. the multiple math changes. even in matter you look at meta's stock rally most has been on earnings. not multiple expansions. neil: great seeing you. lou basenasd. gas prices that was conquered, we are on that. ♪
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adam: we are talking about inflation, can't control gas prices. they are running up at a smart rate. a lot over the last month. jeff flock is following it in philadelphia. what's going on? jeff: standing in front of a gas station in the rain but what can i tell you? that is our lot in life. they have been taking up for three months. you can blame inflation but here's what analysts blame. refinery maintenance takes place at this time of year, a couple big shutdowns, they are converting over to that and cost more money. opec has extended production cuts and the price of oil is up. take a look at the numbers on gasoline prices at $3.38, the average gallon of regular is $0.09 more than it was last week up 1/4, $0.24 since this time last month.
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biggest defenders would be places, a buck and 1/2 more. the price of oil, pushing $80 a barrel. that has an impact as well. and the war on oil, and about how says if he's got a war on oil. he's losing the war. >> in spite of the biden administration policies that seek to limit fossil fuel production, we've seen the oil industry rise to the occasion producing a record 13.3 million barrels a day of crude oil. >> in november, 3.9 billion
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barrels a day in november is an all-time record, if you were president biden being criticized for having a war on oil, i don't have a war on oil, we got production more than donald trump. that would be true but you might take off half the folks in his own party. tough spot to be in. neil: you have different bases you are trying to appeal to, you will take off one win over the other, who knows, great job. get away from that rain. patrick murphy, former us undersecretary of the army, great having you as always. what are you talking about? what's going to happen on the energy front, prior to the month over month thing have been stabilizing, coming down
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but for americans, is something that's bothering them a lot. what do you think? >> agree with you. people feel they are getting price gouged, it was two years ago, the prices still high. the competition council meeting at the white house today, i am from philadelphia as you know. and $3.24, oil profits were $200 billion, we are making more production. never produced more gas and natural gas in american
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history. people at home want to make sure they are starting to feel that as well. neil: you are like to by both parties. what do you make of this panic that seems to be developing, that president biden should in no way debate donald trump, he is aging so fast they don't want to risk it, they are buried about the state of the union tomorrow and being scrutinized like no one else. he will lose it for democrats. >> you have to let president biden be president biden. he cares about the american people. he stumbles. we all stumble. it's not a good look but i will tell you that i absolutely think joe biden has to play to
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win. he can't play to lose. have him debate against the former president and let him go toe to toe. he beat him once. it it will be dependent talk, and interesting nine months. neil: you are quite right on this. he's a lot different than he was four years ago and so is donald trump. he had some miscues and weird speech props and all that but i am beginning to wonder if they don't have debates, that's the first time since 1972, richard nixon skewed them then as he had in the prior election. a lot of people said it would be a disaster. do you think it would be a disaster? >> no. i think joe biden is a fighter as is donald trump. it will be toto, two of the
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oldest cabinets in american history going against each other but ronald reagan was 77. i absolutely think president biden has to debate donald trump and that is what the american people want. can't just have them do small things, small town halls. let president biden be president biden and he will come through. neil: do you miss being on capitol hill? being in the middle in the battle of -- belly of the beast? >> sometimes. i miss the people. i am at the state of the union in nashville, tennessee, the chamber of commerce event, hiring veterans and spouses, 21% of military spouses are unemployed. every year there's 200,000 veterans and service members the transition out and hca, 23%
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last year seeing great success. i miss for people. i don't miss the politics, raising that money it is what it is but i feel i am engaged in being part of the fox family. peeing part of the commerce events, i am hoping no matter what happens this november that we come together as americans. it's too polarized, we need to put our country first and come together as all americans, red, white, and blue. neil: than you realize that's never going to happen. >> we have a few more weeks after that. it's campaign season. neil: fox news contributor here. on capitol hill, the rate cuts
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are still on, confusing some as to when they kick off. the federal reserve president, what he makes of that after this. ♪ okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card.
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neil: i always think of that alan greenspan line, that i'm doing something wrong, paraphrasing but a lot of people interpreted what jerome powell is saying, that rates will come down, not as soon as some would like but they are going to come down but that they seem to understand and they seem to like, markets advancing, thomas honecker knows this process, the kansas city federal reserve president. it is great having you again. that seems to be the signal from the chairman? do you agree with that? you were one of the early ones when the market is getting ahead of itself, rate cuts of this year, so -- now is coming the way you see it. >> he said something new.
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he has been saying this. continuing reduction that is sustainable and it is clear but doesn't say when the rates cut. part of that is because he didn't talk about it but i know it's in the back of his mind, an uptick in inflation. as much as you like to say inflation has come down, cpi is not their favorite. they prefer personal consumption expenditure. it has come down more but it is still 2.8. he is aware of that. he is fearful and rightfully so, might spark inflation. very coy in terms of his answers. we want to see how things go and that the answer you would expect.
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by the end changes his mind about the direction. neil: the trigger would be you have to be at 2% inflation. can't be getting close to it. you get to that level, a rate cut might be on. >> he said he doesn't have to get exactly 2% but has to be confident he will get to 2% and -- lauren: neil: it has to have a 2 in front of it. let me ask about the political environment, presidential election years, it is just the opposite, moved quite often. but not supercost to the election day it self. when you were there were you cognizant of that, the backdrop for that, it's going to be doubly scrutinized.
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>> certainly aware of it, the committee is pretty good at saying we are aware of it but we are not going, to make it differently. we will do what we think is best but that carries through, most fomcs for 20 years. neil: and incredible run. kansas city federal reserve for president. >> thanks for having me. markets in the bond market where you have 10 year under 4.9%, this headshot up to 4.35% a couple weeks ago on inflation figures, that is different, more after this. ♪
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12:58 pm
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1:00 pm
your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit neil: elvis has left the building, jerome powell has left the building, it will take up on the senate side. whatever he said about interest rates, they are still on. taylor riggs and "the big money show" guys here to pick apart all of it. taylor: we tried to read the tea


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